Community Relations

OTML is committed to conducting its operations in a socially responsible manner that respects cultural heritage and traditional rights.
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Our social license to operate is based on the Free, Prior and Informed Consent principles applied to the mine associated communities and the national and provincial governments.

This means:

  • No manipulation or coercion of the mine associated communities.
  • Consent is sought well in advance of any action or decision impacting their community prior to works commencing.
  • Participation and consultation are key pillars of our process, with our community members consulted in a way that is appropriate for their customs and practices.

We have developed and apply a comprehensive Community Relations system that respects human rights and local cultures. The system includes comprehensive annual communication and information patrols to 158 villages and the timely resolution of complaints and grievances.

Community Development Investment

Since the mines formation OTML has contributed more than 10 billion kina to assist the development of economically sustainable local and regional communities in the Western Province.

PNG, Western Province and communities obtain enduring benefits from OTML through employment, local business, dividends, taxes and royalties, goods and services, tax credit scheme (TCS) projects, training, capacity building and economic and social development programs.

Amount invested in community development since 1994 (Kina)

Community & Social Development

Developing partnerships with local communities to improve long-term social and economic development.

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Providing access to quality education and increased adult literacy.

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Providing access to high-quality health services by the community and OTML’s employees

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